

Monday, June 18, 2012

In mid of packed vacation 豐盛的旅程

Haven't been able to blog for the last 10 days since Internet is not available. Just wanted to update some images with iPad while I'm now in Lisbon in mid of vacation yet full packed with what I learnt from Nicola Brown in Dominio Vale do Mondego in the highland of Portugal. I made rug with raw wool, handbags, picture, nuno felt scarf and flower rings. I learnt the new skills of wool felt and delighted to have made the bags I am quite pleased. I must say that this is a wonderful residential workshop with brilliant artist, fabulous food, picturesque environment and all nice participants from Spain, USA, Holland, Portugal, myself from Hong Kong and the felt artist from Ireland. Such an international workshop! What's more is I was thrilled to meet my blog friend Heather from the States. Below are pictures of how we enjoyed the workshop and the scenery. Similar workshop will be held next year. Sorry for not able to title each image since not familiar using iPad. Will put on links when I'm on desktop.  (I'm now home after 20 days away and able to have this updated).  Am now in Lisbon exploring the labyrinthine streets and heading to England the day after. Will have another blog of my Lisbon and England "adventure".雖然是假期的一半然已很充實豐盛,我在葡萄牙的羊毛氈工作坊學到新的技巧,難忘又難得的是在風景如畫的山城每日三餐豐富的地中海及荷蘭美食,也很高興這是一個國際性的文化與工兿交流。此刻在里斯本逗留三天,逛逛迂迴曲折的街道及後飛去英國繼續我的行程...... 謝謝你分享我的假期美事。
Show off of our pieces

Pretty environment and good weather

Every meal was fabulous and very nice setting

The "flappy " bag I learnt - love it so much

Wild flowers under the oliver trees.  

A eco walk in the village with Eelco's intruction of the envirnment

Eco dye sesson with the local leaves and rust irons

Wine and dine in good ambience

In the process of making with the cat.

Who know this rug was all hand made by me? This is an exceptional 8-day residential wool felt in the central of Portugal. Similar one will be organised in June next year.
For info please send to info@dominiovaledomondego.com


  1. oh my gosh, what an experience, i'm so glad you are having a wonderful time and thankyou so much for sharing the photos, you work looks amazing!!!!

  2. Oh Terrie what an amazing time you must of had! Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday

    1. Thank you Deborah. I'm enjoying in Gloucester and London now. Still see the ambience of Queen's Jubilee.

  3. You lucky girl! To be able to go to to a far away place and spend time with people who love your craft as much as you do must be a pure and simple delight. I bet you learned many new techniques and I'm sure you showed your new friends a few things that you could share with them as well. Safe journey my friend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  4. It was thrilling to meet you, as well, Terriea!! I hope that your extended vacation has been enjoyable and that you have a safe and easy trip back home. XXO--
