

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Captured the spirit of a cat 點點心思貓兒袋

 Eco print tote bag of stitches captured the spirit of a wonderful cat – Oscar
原先用棉布包著葉子與鐵罐做出的印染效果不大明顯, 我用繡花線點繡出圖案, 縫製了這個袋 - 姑且表達 「貓貓情義的點點心意」.
 1. I made a cotton fabric with eco print of rose leaves wrapped around a can but outcome is not perfect.  2. Prints are light.  3. I’ve to play around some stitches to make it a nice piece. 4. Then sewed the bag. 
 My ex-colleague L’s Chinchilla cat Oscar looks like my Mogi.  I told L that if she can save some hair I can make something for him but L thought it weird to make something of cat's hair!  I printed Oscar's image from FB and made a decoupage cat stuffed with cotton.    Thought it looks good to go with the bag. 
 "Mogi, it's not yours"
 My cat Mogi is the same breed as Oscar who's now about 3 or 4 years old.  They look like brothers.  Oscar has a special story.    My ex-colleague L works in animal hospital.  When Oscar was about  2 years old,  he was accidentally fell from the flat to the ground and fractured his leg.   His original owner brought him to the vet but finally abandoned him after the operation.   L dopted him.  This boy is now pampered and jumps up and down with 3-legs.  He’s bright and smart!  He's also a great donor.  His blood saved others recently.   He’s a hero !
 See how relaxed Oscar is !  He finds himself safe in a loved family. Our love to cats is life time commitment.   
 Smart guy with subtle look.

 Tonight I’m heading to Portugal.  L has Portuguese origin that’s why I thought of her when I planned my trip to Portugal.  I’ll have a week of residential wool felt workshop in central Portugal and stay a couple of days in Lisbon then to England.  Thanks L for the tourist info of Lisbon. This bag is over to you when I'm back.  Hope you like it. 
I'm very impatient and eager to unwrap bundles of eco prints.  These two will last for almost 20 days after my return.  Hope to see the bold prints then.
Linking with KatherinesCorner


  1. oh my gosh what a beautiful bag, the image of the beautiful cat is such a compliment to your beautiful workmanship.
    Oscar is such a success story, I never her of cat blood donors either, thats just amazing.
    Have a wonderful trip and take lots of photos, I was so happy when I saw on my side bar that you had a new post, I enjoy keeping up with your blog!!

  2. That is a beautiful bag! That Oscar does look like Mogi! Both beautiful cats!

  3. How nice that you made a bag that captured the spirit of the cat. Both Mogi and Oscar are beautiful cats!
    Have a great trip to Portugal and have fun at the wool felt workshops!

  4. A beautiful bag, Terrie!!! Love the combination of eco printing with stitching...

  5. Oscar and Mogi are both such pretty cats! I am sure your friend will love her bag.
    Hope you enjoy you upcoming adventure :)
    Deborah x

  6. Hi Terrie,

    The bag is beautiful! The cats are just darling. Have a wonderful time in Portugal.


  7. I do not know how you do it! You are so great at interpreting your prints into exactly what you say they are! I love cats, but my husband is allergic *sigh*. I sure enjoyed your post!

  8. Travel safely! Your bag is lovely. I rather like the idea of putting cat hair into some item you make. I brush my cat and wonder what could be done with the soft hair I have caught in the brush. The birds like using it for their nests but I always have "left over" hair.

    1. Thanks Sandee, I've arrived Portugal safely after 20 hours travelling. A brilliant and cool day. You can save more your cat's hair. I will show you how and what to play with it later. It is fun.

  9. Lovely bag and lovely cats. Pets are like a family member and should be taken care of. They are a life time commitment and I know just from your posts how much you love Mogi.
    Have a good weekend my friend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  10. lovely bag. Have a great time in Portugal. Safe travels. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo P.S. the new giveaway was posted today.

  11. Hi Terriea! I'm moved! we are not hero tho but salute to all cat's lovers for their commitments! Cheers! Oscar's Mom
