

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wool felt doll enhanced with eyes 羊毛小妮子

Just made this wool felt doll.  This is another trial with the skills got from YouTube for the wool felt ropes to make hands and legs.  
最近看到 YouTube 製作 羊毛繩條子技巧, 靈機一觸, 何不一試自己加點創意, 做一 個羊毛小娃, 把羊毛包著幼鐵絲使手足可「屈曲」, 可坐可企, 更有姿態 !!??
I asked  bloggers's should I add the eyes or just leave it. Most said go for it. Thank you bloggers.
See the comparison photo above.
Here's how it's made.
1. Laid the wool on a bamboo blind with a thin wire over it.  Rolled and rubbed to make the ropes.
2. Wet felt the wool sheet for the coat.
3. Stuffed the body and head then connected the limbs.
4. Cut the arm holes to dress up.
5. Stitched with beads for eyes.
I made the ropes with wire inside so that the arms and legs are "movable".  The YouTube of rope demo (click to view) is GREAT.
Limbs  coated with wire are wonderful  ......
She can stand up firm.
Relaxing poses with crossed legs.

 Riding with flowers.
Without eyes we don't know her expression.
With the two dots enhance the beauty. She sees the world of hope and black & white !
Linking with HappyHourProject
Linking with Creative Princess
Linking with Fincraftguild


  1. The eyes really complete her!! She is wonderful!!

  2. It's amazing the difference the eyed make. She's gorgeous!!!

  3. Wow, she does look perfect with eyes...I love how she is poseable too! Great job Terrie!

  4. Yes, yes, yes! The eyes have it! What a sweet little doll. I absolutely adore her!

  5. She is very sweet with her new eyes! We need a close-up of the little sheep vignette by her feet. Amazing!

  6. I'm so glad you added the eyes. She is adorable! So cute with all her poses.

  7. Love her better with eyes after all.

  8. Yes, definitely, the eyes bring her more to life - well done!

  9. Cute! I liked your dolly with and without eyes! The eyes do add a little something!

  10. Oh I like her both ways but the eyes are a definite plus and gives her more of a finished look. The only thing that matters is how you feel about your finished doll. The artist knows when his/her work is complete. I think she turned out quite well and is a sweet addition to your home. I want to also thank you Terrie for coming to visit me and leaving such sweet and kind words. All those little inspirational verses were up-lifting. I read them several times and will again. Thank you and love you friend ♥
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Thanks Susanne, I'm always at your prayer. Be assured God brightens your days and leads your way.

  11. I agree, Terriea...It's much better with eyes!! You are always trying the most fun new projects!! XXO-

  12. such beautiful art doll, she is lovely, the eyes have brought her face to life, I am so glad I managed to start a new blog, i missed you,.I love the new look to your blog, beautiful colors and Mogli is so beautiful,

  13. Terrie,
    You always make beautiful things. I've given you an award at my blog today. If you don't accept awards at your blog, that's OK. I'm just saying thank you for all of your encouragement over the last couple months.
