

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Raise the curtain 揭開序幕

Mogi, "I raise the curtain. You see Mum done a door curtain of plant print this weekend."

這星期又有些攪作, 做了一件掛在往露台的門簾,當然又是植物印染.
Yes, this is a one-piece curtain hanging on the glass door to my patio.

Raise the curtain I can see my flowers in the patio. Drape it hubby has the ambience of theatre watching films in.


An outside look from the patio. It's a thin silk fabric so prints are clear on both sides. 因為是絲簿, 從露台外望葉印兩面清晰透光.

Prints are clear when sunlight coming through.

I used some eucalyptus leaves and maple leaves. Bundled and boiled.


It's a one piece fabric. I put leaves on the upper part, half folded it, then left and right, i.e. 3 folds.

Comparison of before and after.
Image through courtesy of Dorie van Dijk
Though my outcome seems good. Indeed I love the effect of the print like this done by renowned fiber artist Dorie of Fiberfusing
The black and brown effect is very outstanding. Have no idea how to make.

Just ordered the book Second Skin by India Flint. Should have it later this week. Hope to dig more info about eco print & dyeing. Will certainly do more experiments.

Mogi, "Mum don't allow me to grasp the flowing curtain, my jaws will scratch it but I'd rather like to grasp the stuff on the shelves !! "

OMG, this guy's naughty and a destroyer. My goodness, nothing broken this time.


  1. That curtain is beautiful! And that Mogi is scandalous! My cat Frosty is always getting into trouble like that too!

  2. Beautiful, Terriea. Great detail in the prints and it creates a nice visual texture. I like your technique photos. You may try wrapping your bundle around an iron pipe before cooking and then you may be able to achieve the type of greys/blacks in Dorie's print. Maybe even an iron rod like those used in construction (called rebar). Love Mogi, I bet he's a handful!

    1. Thank you James, your expertise is valuable. I've to get an iron pipe or sorts of to do the beautiful prints as Dorie.

  3. I like your eco dyeing experiments. This is very interesting. I bought Second Skin by India Flint too.

  4. I love curtains that let in the light. What a nice touch to your studio.
    And what fun would Mogi be if she weren't naughty once in awhile?

  5. the curtain is fantastic..well donexx You will love both of India's books..they are full of information, beautiful images and words of wisdom! And listen to James, he will teach you a lotxxlynda

  6. Your curtain is beautiful, Terrie! I especially love it from inside with the sun shining through!
    My kitties are bad girls, too...but so cute...just like your Mogi!

  7. Oh my, Mogi looks like he is looking to see if you will catch him when he plays with all your pretties on the shelves. What a beautiful cat, and naughty boy! Lovely what you can do with your imagination and the things from nature to make such lovely designs on fabric. Your curtain is so pretty!
    Susanne :)

  8. Both your curtain and your kitty are GORGEOUS! I am amazed at the beautiful technique! I'm going to share this amazing project on my Facebook page! It's just incredible!!!

  9. oh my Mogi has a long reach, looks like trouble, such a sweet kitty.
    Your curtain is just amazing, it just floats, so delicate and beautiful, I love the colors,

  10. Terrie, your curtain is beautiful. A great addition to your patio door.
    Mogi is such a cute kitten, even if he is naughty.

  11. What a lovely posting Terrie:: your photos tell a lovely story (as do your words). I am enjoying looking at the beautiful curtain and the marvelous Mogi! Also, how lovely to see what you have done and what you aspire to do next showing Dorie's print too.

    1. Thanks Ginny, Dorie and India are inspiring and great to follow. You all are amzaing artists.

  12. Thank you all for your sweet comments. Cats are beautiful things, they capture our soul !

  13. thank you Terrie for giving me so much credit :))) Indeed as James said, you need iron to get a darker print. There are many ways to do that. You can dip, spray, paint or soak with ironwater to get from light or dark colours, you can roll your fabric around a pipe, can or flat iron thing, you can fold your fabric and place it between two iron things, you can place some iron scrap in your fabric or you can tighten it with iron thread. Many possibilities with different outcomes. I love your curtains very much. If it is silk and they are hanging in full sun, maybe you better protect the back with a cheesecloth because silk is sensative for sun. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you so much Dorie, your and James' advices are absolutely fantastic and will be great help for my further exploration on leaves prints. Never thought of the many ways of using irons bring up such amazing prints. Your advice of using a cheesecloth is worthy. Thanks

  14. A beautiful, sheer curtain, Terrie. I love the way it looks with the light shining through.

  15. watch that cat!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow bcd if you can.

  16. That is a beautiful curtain. I didn't realize at first you made it yourself by dyeing. That is really lovely.
    I am a little concerned for the items on your shelf though.
    Would love for you to stop by and share
