

Sunday, December 25, 2011

One for you and others for me 呢個你嘅, 個果我嘅......

Received from Kim 2kg of assorted wool fleece. They're raw and yummy of pasture. Just love the long and curly textures. Would like to do something of it, handbag, vest....
I've to interact with all these fleeces to see the "characters" and how it felted. I first made a small mat for my cat Mogi.

Quite easy for this piece and very satisfy with the locks look.

The other side of the mat. You see the word "Mooi". Yes, not wrong spelling of my cat "Mogi". Intended to label it "Mooi". My Dutch friends will know what it means.

Just after finished it's still wet. Mogi was so eager to try on it.

"It' mine !, hummm, very comfortable", Mogi said.

It's put on Mogi's basket. So warm for the winter.

Mogi said, "Mum is considered to make me this wool mat, this Christmas is the coldest in 26 years, now only 10 degree Celsius. Mum is so kind to put me in her bedroom too."

Yes, it's chilly. He's normally not allowed in our bedroom. But now he's hampered...

After the mat for Mogi, I've made another one for hubby.

This is a bigger one I've to make in my patio. Mogi is always a quality controller. He fonds of wool smell. I thought his former life was a shepherd dog !!

I put on this chair - hubby's TV chair. He has a warm mat to watch his favourite sports and drama with Mogi monitors him above.

Well, time to do another piece for my own.

A sturdy handbag with this fleece. Love it's effect. I sewed a leather strap.

The flap with my little ceramic owl and a branch I cut from my plant. Lined with inner pockets and a magic tape close. When I make something with owl, I think of Laurie and MaryL. They do amazing owl paintings.

Mogi asked " Is it mooi? I love it."

Mooi means beautiful in Dutch. Isn't it?

I'm warm hugging Mogi with a woolly bag.

I've done 3 pieces with the wonderful wool fleece.

This is my treasure box. I'll do more experiments. Kim, your wool are wonderful.

Wish you all a festive seasons with lots of creations !


  1. Mooi is indeed the dutch word for beautyful! And I can only say Mooi!! to what you have done with it. Wishing you also a festive season with lots of time to create. HUgs,

  2. Terrie---YAY!!! Your raw wool purse is absolutely beautiful!!!!!
    All of these projects are lovely, but I'm especially pleased to see the bag, with your pretty lining and leather strap!!
    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  3. beautiful indeed.Mogi is such a beautiful cat as well,
    Terri your creations are amazing,

  4. Mogi is so beautiful and I love it when you share pictures of your sweet kitty and your beautiful creations. I hope you are enjoying the these last days of the year and hope that the New Year brings you much happiness and good health.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  5. Beautiful fleece and beautiful felt Terri!!! I love the bag and Mogi obviously loves his new bed, happy Christmas to you both! Nicola
