

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Eco leaves prints comparison 植物印染效果比較

Done a few pieces of eucalyptus leaves prints for comparison. They're yummie color. I done on a wool felt scarf, a nuno felt book cover and a box (the box is a kind of very special material!). I don't know the proper breeds of these eucalyptus leaves. Just found two of these are very good on wool. I also put a few maple leaves but effect is not that sharp . The "heart" shape and the "willow" shape leaves give bold and bright red (or brownish) on wool.

Love the come out on wool felt scarf.

Compare the two pieces, the left wool felt scarf got bold color and the right silk scarf got pale red. Both are good to my expectation.

Mobi, "hey, what's up? Can you do something for me?"

Fresh Eucalyptus leaves on the box also bold. I made this felted box with my Tiger's ......... Don't feel weird.

Tiger was my cat for only 4.5 years old. Since he's a baby I combed his hair and kept for doing something with wool felt skill. Though he's no more with us, he's always in our mind. It's good to have something as a keepsake.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fulfilling holiday from South to North 從南到北的充實假期

The festive season is almost over but I'm still on holiday till 2 Jan and really enjoying so much. All days packed with ideas. Have made a few things. This is one of it - a wool felt covered journal with leaves print. 這個假期忙而充實, 從港島南到新界北, 遊山玩水, 拾葉子作植物印染嘗試己是郊遊的指定動作. 這本子的書皮就是以 nuno felt+植物印染的製作. The fruitful thing is picked some eucalyptus leaves and maple leaves. Since hooked to fabric arts/crafts, eco-print is my latest hobby. Indeed Hong Kong has many eucalyptus and maples but not allowed to pluck. So I can only pick up on the road. The just fallen leaves by strong wind are treasure.
Please join my scenic rides from the south to the north of Hong Kong these days.

On the chilly Christmas day hubby and I went up the steep trail behind my apartment across the valley down to the other side - Aberdeen.

Up and down for 45-min, it's easy for me as I'm quite fit for hiking!!

After cement pavement then stoned path.

The Aberdeen Reservior (water supply for the south) and the dam.

When there're lots of rains water will flow from the dam now almost draught.

Passed through the reservior we're in Aberdeen waterfront. This narraw channel with busy sampans and fishing boats. Sampans are typical for tourist around the harbour.

We're heading to the Deep Water Bay by the scenic promedade facing the South China Sea.

On the Christmas day people were in high time celebrating with BBQ and dancing on the waterfront.

Next we're in the Repulse Bay where the sand is fine and the beach is a

must-see spot for tourists.

I wrapped my day by taking a 10-min bus ride from Repulse Bay to my Stanley studio. Glittering at dusk.

Next day I went with mother to Yuen Long - the further north of Hong Kong. We strolled along a stream. This area recalled my mother's tough childhood days in the 30's. We passed by a village, there's still a very old typical bricks school but abandoned.

We climbed up this tower to have a bird's eye around.

Yuen Long in the old days was a farmland with rice paddies but now only high rises and no more farming.

The remote visible buildings are of China boundary.

These maple leaves were picked in the Yuen Long Park. I just known there're quite some maple trees in Hong Kong. I can't resist not to do the eco print.

I got a complimentary note pad from hotel. I made a nuno felt white wool then wrapped some maple leaves and eucalyptus leaves. Rolled and steamed. Covered the black cover. Got this look.

Referred by James to the blog of Cassandra of leave print on paper. I followed to make a piece. Result is great and easy. I put the print as the inside cover. This is what I made.

I also have done other piece of wool felt scarf with some leaves print. Effect is yummy. Will share in the next post.

Linking with HappyHourProjects

Sunday, December 25, 2011

One for you and others for me 呢個你嘅, 個果我嘅......

Received from Kim 2kg of assorted wool fleece. They're raw and yummy of pasture. Just love the long and curly textures. Would like to do something of it, handbag, vest....
I've to interact with all these fleeces to see the "characters" and how it felted. I first made a small mat for my cat Mogi.

Quite easy for this piece and very satisfy with the locks look.

The other side of the mat. You see the word "Mooi". Yes, not wrong spelling of my cat "Mogi". Intended to label it "Mooi". My Dutch friends will know what it means.

Just after finished it's still wet. Mogi was so eager to try on it.

"It' mine !, hummm, very comfortable", Mogi said.

It's put on Mogi's basket. So warm for the winter.

Mogi said, "Mum is considered to make me this wool mat, this Christmas is the coldest in 26 years, now only 10 degree Celsius. Mum is so kind to put me in her bedroom too."

Yes, it's chilly. He's normally not allowed in our bedroom. But now he's hampered...

After the mat for Mogi, I've made another one for hubby.

This is a bigger one I've to make in my patio. Mogi is always a quality controller. He fonds of wool smell. I thought his former life was a shepherd dog !!

I put on this chair - hubby's TV chair. He has a warm mat to watch his favourite sports and drama with Mogi monitors him above.

Well, time to do another piece for my own.

A sturdy handbag with this fleece. Love it's effect. I sewed a leather strap.

The flap with my little ceramic owl and a branch I cut from my plant. Lined with inner pockets and a magic tape close. When I make something with owl, I think of Laurie and MaryL. They do amazing owl paintings.

Mogi asked " Is it mooi? I love it."

Mooi means beautiful in Dutch. Isn't it?

I'm warm hugging Mogi with a woolly bag.

I've done 3 pieces with the wonderful wool fleece.

This is my treasure box. I'll do more experiments. Kim, your wool are wonderful.

Wish you all a festive seasons with lots of creations !

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My cat approved my works 貓兒也愛我的印染

Even my cat Mogi approved my plant prints ! This is another trial on maple leaves eco-print. The prints look soft and the string marks are good. I'm quite satisfy with this so far. 這也算是一次滿意的楓葉印染, 我的貓兒也喜愛呢 !

Since keen on plant prints these months, whenever I've chances I'd take note on leaves in the brushes. Last Sun I went to friends house on Lantau island for an occassion and walked in the brush. In June I'd a posts about the village. In summer there're lots of cows but now I can't see a single one. 星期日去了大嶼 山水口村朋友家聚舊, 在他們村子山徑漫步遠眺, 朋友村子群山擁抱, 沙灘優美, 我在路邊喜見紅黃秋楓葉, 正是我要再做實驗的好時機. 這是昨日"解封" 的印染絲巾,

My friends live on the foothill of the mountain. On the front right is their house. 友人的屋子就在右方.

A path leading to the beach. 另一方是淺灘.

It's winter, so quiet.

On low tides people like to dig clams in the sandbar. 夏日潮退時很多人在灘上掘蜆, 村民及環保人士不大讚同的活動, 因為濫掘蜆子很快會減少, 影響生態.

This is a small village of new and old houses with only about 200 people. 祗有200 多村民的i村子, 房子新舊交錯.

A typical house of our friend facing the lushes.

One of the old houses.

A path to the campsite.

The bridge built by British Gurkha engineers in 1985.

We walked up to the pavilion.

So delighted to have found the maples. Don't know if it's wild or not. I picked a few fresh leaves on the road.紅葉片片, 我怎能抭拒做些印染試驗 !!?? Back to friends house we'd a fabulous seafood BBQ with a good champagne to mark an occassion.
遊畢山徑, 回到朋友家享受美味的海鮮BBQ

I back home at 10pm and immediately wrapped the leaves. Steamed for 20-min and left in a thermo pot for 72 hrs, in between brought it to boil for twice. This challenged my patience to wait for so long. I unwrapped it yesterday and found the marks are clear and the ends with string marks are sharp. James' advice for boiling in water with little iron helps.回到家門已是晚上10點了, 我急不及待, 扎好葉子做環保印染. 真要考驗我的耐性. 一向我很心急, 這回也得等了72小時才解封. 時間是好的証明, 果然效果顯著.

At the same time I put a few other leaves on the formerly printed silk with eucalyptus leaves (the left one, they're orange and bright). The marks are good though not quite shape. I don't know what sort of leaves they're.

The silk scarves look soft and subtle. 看來不錯的柔和色調

Mogi found it yummy !! 不是靚到可以吃吧 ?

This naught boy grasped my silk. I wanna to bite his short and fluffy hands !!

這可愛的傢伙, 那雙小毛手可愛得我要咬一口 !!