

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hand written vs digital notes 數碼年代的書信

The other day I was out while my girl called me from home. She said that the note book on my desk was pretty and unique. I said I made the cover and told her to take it if she like. She said she didn't use paper note pad. Well, I know nowadays people, particularly the younger ones mainly use digital gadgets.

我用羊毛加植物印染做了一個筆記簿的書皮, 女兒說很漂亮特別, 我說喜歡的隨便取去用, 她說她不用筆記簿, 用不著哩。 現今電子數碼年代, 他們也少用記事簿; 更惶論執筆寫信, 這小簿子留待愛寫文字的知音人好了。
I made the book cover with nuno felt and plant prints. I tried eucalyptus leaves and a few unknown types of leaves. Outcome is not that bright or bold. I sewed it on a book cover.

Embellished with a nuno felt tag. Thought this looks better.

The eucalyptus leaves effect is a bit clear, others not.
The touch is so soft. It's good for a personal use.In a digital era people find email is more efficient and direct. But I still have a few friends whom I communicate via letters. I also keep all my good friends' letters from the start. We treasure the hand written words. Some are using fountain pens. Oh, it implies we're old??!!

Very often I receive postcards from friends while they're travelling.

I've got many postcards. They're so beautiful and each has it's memory from friends. My sitting room used to have a big mirror but it got dirts from the other side. So I put the postcards over it. When I look at it, I know who sent me and how they enjoyed their holiday.

Oh, Mogi is too fat and slided down !

I appreciate handwritten letters. My father wrote me letters when I was young. He encouraged me and gave me advices through my life. I still keep his letters. Time flies, it's decades ago. Nice to re-read the letters over a cup of tea. My colleague Irene gave me the roses tea. Hummm.... fragrance of roses.

My friend Sue, from America made me a stitched pillow cover with the letter "T" - my initial. Good to enclose the special letters with it.

This wool felt coverd book who would find it useful? I hope it'll go to someone who appreciates hand writing.

Linking with HappyHourProjects

Monday, November 28, 2011

Ecology trip to Po Toi Island 莆苔島生態遊

I've no creation this Sunday but quite good for a family day out to Po Toi Island - an outlying island I visited this New Year day and had a post about it already. It's still worth to mention it and share with my new friends. Our ferry departed from Blake Pier in Stanley.

The picture above is where my studion situated.

Arrived in Po Toi Island in 30-min.
The island is a small fishing village.Only a few houses with little population.
We strolled along the seashore trail and started the ecology walk. It's fine weather with autumn breeze.

Walked up and up with little energy to the top.

Up to the top, the turtle was faster than us !! This is a "Turtle Rock" . Can you imagine the "turtle" look?

A monk stone A palm cliffA conch rock

A Temple of Goddess to safeguard the fishing village.

Fishing boats

Sampan resting on the shore after a tired task

Surplus gains dried for future consumption

Not always have gains, sometimes only an empty net. Life is like it with gains and losses.

This island is mainly of rough rocks but do have some pretty flowers.

Also small creatures struggle for lives.

Capture a shot with the backdrop of South China Sea

Admiring the peaceful view
After a few hours walk on the island, we're back to Blake Pier. Cats were waiting for food on the rocks - it's dusk.

Back to Stanley we called it a day.

Coincidentally it's the Stanley Plaza re-opening celebration and the ambience was with fun and laugh.

A rare Sunday I don't have creation but a fruitful day with family in a breezy day.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Handbag of wool and leather 羊毛與皮革的匹配

Last Sat I passed by a shop in Shamshuipo where wholesale of fashion accessories is renowned. I found some scraps of leather. Thought it's a nice idea to match wool felt with leather. Immediately I've a go.

以羊毛氈技巧+皮革不失為另類的匹配, 曰前逛深水埗見到有皮革碎料, 立即買了幾片做我的羊毛手袋.
The scraps are very cheap. This turquoise (or blue) is so soft. I made it as a flap. Here it is.....

After fully felted and dried. I sewed the leather on the flap and a strap attached.

The flap is of Wensleydale fleece and a ceramic button I made. I love the white curly wool.

Lining with enclosed oval shape felted button.

A clutch look. Find wool and leather is a good go.

Have just ordered from Kim some raw fleece which is fantastic for coats or bags exploration.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fluffy ball meets "Woolly Woolly" 毛毛球遇著毛茸茸

A nunu felt vest just made for this winter.

" What makes you so greedy, Mogi? " My fluffy ball is crazy about wool. He wants to swallow my fleece. Naughty guy!

Mogi 見到羊毛就發狂, 好似小朋友吃朱古力一樣滋味!

喂喂喂 ! 件衫係我架 ! 服左佢 ! Really hooked on wool felt, almost every weekend I’d make a piece. I made this Nuno felt vest. But looks a bit smaller and short. Hubby said it’s no good for myself, better give it away to a little girl.

Well, I made one fits for myself in no time. I love Wensleydale fleece, the long and curly look is so warm and the texture is so lovely. Also this year woolly fashion is a trend. Making costume with wool is far less cruelty to animals than with furs.
Here it is. Am I good looking with it ? ~.~
Wool is such a versatile medium. I love wool felt but honestly I’ve little knowledge about sorts. I don’t know what’s tops fleece, batt, blend …… Many bloggers are experts I can seek advice via this platform.
I used these Wensleydale fleece, merino wool and chiffon as usual a base to make this vest.

I laid some curly fleece, some brownish and dark wool over the template.

Second layer of merino wool over the fleece then covered with chiffon.

Turned it over and put some white and black merino wool as well a little mohair on this side in order to make a reversible look. Enclosed the template with wool, except the bottom as I intended to have the woolly look.

After "rock n roll", I removed the template out and rubbed it lightly then some more pressure to make it fully felted. Finally cut the cuffs and shape it to well fit.

When I was making this vest, I imagine myself amid the pleasant smell in the field of Frisland. Yes, pleasant, REALLY love the smell. Indeed the brown curly fleece was given by Kim from Holland. Were they come from these sheep !!?? THANKS again, Kim.

Final look of side one "front & back" with more brownish fleece.

Reversed side with black merino wool and mohair.

This is a casual wear I like, can go with a belt, a pin or anyway.

A pin of a sheep - a ceramic pin made by myself. Is it cute?

I like to make things with my hands. I love sheep more after I encountered with wool felt.

This vest will be a warmer in the coming winter.

This fluffy ball makes me warm enough !

Linking with DIYbyDesign Party

Linking with Creative Princess