

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My cup of tea - marriage of wool and ceramics 陶瓷與羊毛的結合

Haven’t done ceramics for long since hooked to wool. Just made this tea set with the very soft and hard media. This is my cup of tea though rough.

I’m not a perfectionism – want to pursuit yet no way in ceramics. When I make something for myself I’m not demanding. Something imperfect is not bad. Any look or shape has it’s own identity. The fact is I can’t handle well throwing nor delicate. Hubby said this is my excuse for not doing well. He knows I’m impatient.

堅硬的陶瓷與柔軟的羊毛, 不失為好的配搭, 這茶壺剛柔並濟, 正是我的那杯茶. 我的陶瓷製作沒能做得完美, 我也不刻意的去追求, 這些不是Royal 什麼的製作, 有時都好“那西”, 祗是個人喜愛就有滿足感.

I love wool felt and do not want to drop ceramic. This way I can make the marriage with both.

I made the wool felt flowers then embellished on the tea pot.

Years ago I’d a dream of owning a little cottage with a kiln in the backyard to do ceramics. The front cafe to serve my homemade cakes with my dishes and mugs. Beside is a showcase of my ceramic stuff. People can stay as long as they like, for reading, chatting or sort of. It’s only a dream !!!! Though I don't have my dreamt cottage with a kiln, I can still make ceramics in the pottery studio and do my wool stuff in my own tiny studio. After a session of wool creation, nothing is relaxing then having a break with my own made tea set. A piece of Scottish bun, some wallnuts, dried raisins and a piece of dark chocolate is really a treat to myself.

Found wool and ceramics are good mixed-media, I can make dolls heads, pictures, pins....., sorts of combinations.
Now I’m really into wool felt. My blogger Andrea said “Art is like your boyfriend – if you don’t spend time with it, it’s not going to work out”. It’s true the more we interact the more love and fun we discover. In reality I’m too indulged in my own “hobby lovers” !!
This day after a light breakfast with hubby we went to the beach for "treasure hunting".

A fruitfull day, I got some eucalyptus leaves and the main thing was the rusty iron. I wanted to do eco-print with rusty irons. They were wrapped and steamed for my silk dyeing. It's my first time to use rusty irons with other leaves.

Currently I'm on business trip in The Philippines. Business travel is no fun and definitely not my cup of tea. I'm eager to see the outcome when I back in the weekend and will share how they look like on my coming blog.

Linking with Debbie Doo's Newbie party


  1. Well, here is one friend who rather enjoyed sitting in your virtual cafe. I took time to admire your crafts and have a cup of coffee. I'll certainly return another day!

  2. what a beautiful post, I feel that I know you even better.Your ceramics are beautiful, I think everything should have a touch of imperfection, it adds interest and makes it yours.Yours show no sign of imperfection,, they are beautiful,, only your eyes see this.I wish you had your cafe,, on my street, then we could visit eveyday!

  3. Terrie... I love your glazes....do you mix your own? Those little dolls are so adorable. The collection of them is like a little family. andrea @ townandprairie

  4. Terri your dream sounds fantastic. A little cottage tucked away serving tea and a work area in the back, sounds like heaven. I would come visit it too. I like the tea pot, it is your creation and very unique to you, your own design. The beach looks like it was a fun day. Can't wait to see what you do with your new found beach treasures.

  5. I'm enjoying your blog! I came over from How my time flys! Enjoy your week! ♥

  6. wow gorgeous tea pot, such talent hope your dream comes true one day

  7. Thanks all ladies. Day dreaming is fantastic. Do come again and have a coffee.
    Andrea, the glaze is mixed in the studio. I just dipped and high fired in the studio.

  8. I love, love those dolls! So cute! :-)

  9. Hi, I have awarded you the 'Versatile Blogger Award' Here is the link to my post to receive your award. Karima :) http://www.karimascrafts.com/2011/09/i-have-received-versatile-blogger-award.html

  10. I love that tea pot Terrie. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party as always I appreciate it.

  11. Terrie your ceramics are wonderful - I love their rustic simplicity - very beautiful & to be proud of!

    Pottery is something I've wanted to learn since I was very young, just hasnt happened yet .. one day
