

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cycling in a Holland Village 荷蘭鄉郊單車遊

To explore a city or village by cycling is leisure and healthy. Today's my last day in Leeuwarden. I rent a bike and cycled along the river up to a village.

Come on, I show you the scenic views.

On Sundays the city is almost closed. Only a few cafes are open. Streets are quiet.

After months of chilly weather. Warmer days and longer day light are expected. People grasped the good time and enjoyed sunbathing. The dog was also excited for the boat outing.

Stream along the river bank and lined with daffodiles. Cycling is good for all ages. No matter seniors or kids
are doing well.

Horses, sheep and cows form the stunning picture .

These are the cows - renowned forFreisland dairy.
After two hours cycling, have to take a break in this tea house.
A cappu, a piece of cake, flipped through the Women Lifestyle magazine. Is this the lifestyle I'm looking for?

A way back and have to call it a day. Rest on the slope of daffodiles admiring the river with boats sailing by.

Yes, this is the lifestyle I enjoyed.

Linking to Debbie Doo's newbie party.


  1. How beautiful and relaxing--love those cows and clear blue sky.

  2. Thanks for the pictures! I'd love to be there: green grass & daffodils! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! Leeuwarden is a pleasant place to live.

  4. Beautiful sceneries. 好写意,好钟意!

  5. Thanks for the lovely tour...Holland is such a beautiful country...and you've given us a taste of it with great pictures.

  6. And what a great life style too enjoy Terrie. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

  7. you know why I preferr to cycle instead of taking a car? you can see so much more of your surroundings as you go much slower as a car...
    Thanks for sharing your lovely trip!!
