

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can't wait to do my nuno felt 急不及待的制作

After Vilte's workshop I can't wait to do some experiments of nuno felt wearables. During Easter holiday I made a few pieces. Really love the light feel and can't imagine I can make summer clothing like this with wool.
學了 Vilte 的 Nuno Felt 技術, 趁復活節假期, 我完成了兩件制作. Nuno felt 實在太好玩, 羊毛原來也可做到輕且薄的夏日衣裳.

The centre embellishment is made of chiffon, wool and silk.
It's "tricky" and fun to make - it's sticked on it with motions.

紋理浮現突顯衣飾這部份是用雪紡, 絲及羊毛以輕柔動作擠壓而成.
A chic piece for my girl. 這件夠 chic 吧 !?

This piece was made during the workshop but I further modified

the neckline and waist to fit me more. That's a magic just wet the dress and use hand motion to make it a bit wider or narrower. After dried all fit.

裙子原先在課堂已完成, 回港後我把領口加大點, 把腰身修窄點, 祗要把須修改的部份加點水再輕揉幾下就 fit 哂, 真的, 是這麼神奇 !

I fond of nuno felt wearables more and more. You see just use chiffon and some wool together with soap and water with your magic hands, a nice dress or top can be made - it's seamless without using thread or needle to make it together. No, no, not even with glue. Some people queried me if glue's used.
我愛上 nuno felt, 就是這麼奇妙, 祗用雪紡, 羊毛加些皂水便可做到一件漂亮衣裳 - 原件無須針線縫邊. 朋友問是否用膠水黏合, 噢 ! 絕不 !

This book "How to make Nuno Felt" gives me inspiration to learn. Vilte gives me skills and confidence to make. I'll do more experiments on nuno felt. Soon will do dresses for my little angels.
游惠君的 一書 " How to make Nuno Felt" 給我很多靈感, Vilte
給我技巧與信心, 我會繼續作多方嚐試.

Linking to Debbie Doo's Newbies party

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wrap up and good bye to Holland 再見荷蘭

Today's my last day in Holland. I stayed in Amsterdam, my colleague Radhika's home. We walked along the river and toured the town centre.

Amsterdam is a fascinating city with packed squares with quiet canals .

My main purpose of the trip was to learn nuno felt dress making. I really love the skills I learnt.

That's what I've never known and the new style of making dress seamless - without using thread and needle to make a wearable and the patterns can be so detailed ! This is the trial sample I made with silk chiffon plus wool.

What's more for my trip ? I have the chance to meet my good friends. Radhika is my colleague working in Amsterdam Headquarters. I stayed my last day with her. She prepared me the very delicious Indian meal and I made the simple Chinese fried rice.

My pleasure to meet my blogfriend Kim in Maastricht. She's a great felter whom we've the common interest.

I'd a wonderful stay and catch up with long time friend Ria and Henk. Ria is very good in patchwork and stitches works. We exchanged crafts making. I showed her to make a wool felt hanging of tulip.

My trip was pleasant with cycling along the river in Leeuwarden.

A day trip to Maastrich to visit Kim in the historic city.

The Friesland village with black and white cattle is such a typical picture.This cat's so pretty and rubbed my legs.

Good bye to you and Holland. I'll miss you and all my friends.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another beautiful days in Holland 繼續荷蘭陽光之旅

After the nuno felt workshop I headed to my friend Ria in Zuidwolde. We haven’t seen for almost 7 years. This is a nice catch up and enjoyed very much the beautiful days. We did cycling around the village, had fabulous tea, meals under the sun.
完成 Nuno felt 課堂, 繼續我的探訪旅遊去到Ria家, 在和熙的陽光下在花園閒聊吃茶.

Generally the bicyles in Holland for adults are bigger then in HK. It took me some time to manage well.

在小村內踏單車, 荷蘭的成人單車比香港的一般很高, 我要練習多次才可控制到.
Ria took me to a mill in Hoogeveen. The mill is almost 200 years
old and still works for flour making. We went up the mill and the owner was so nice to show us how it works now.

Ria 帶我參觀一座已有二百多年的磨坊, 現今仍在使用制做麵粉, 工作人員很細心的介紹磨坊如何運作.

My visit to Ria is for catching up, for leisure cycling and for craft fun. Ria's great in patchwork, quilting and paper crafts. I show her wool felting. She's talented to follow me. We cut the pre-felt to make a picture of tulips.

7 年沒見Ria , 今次探訪, 閒話共聚外, 也做些手工藝交流, Ria 是併布刺繡能手, 我教她做羊毛氈工藝.

Ria 很輕鬆的完成了這些制作 A small hanging is done. Ria made this brooches and a pouch as well.

She's so happy to show her neighbor what I taught her. 她很興奮的給她鄰居看她的制成品呢 !

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nuno felt dress - I made it !

Ever found a kind of wool felt wearable - nuno felt dressing, I've expected to learn it. Today just finished the 3-day workshop conducted by the famous Lithuania felter Vilte in FILT Vitwerk in Baard, The Netherlands. Can't believe it ! This is such an amazing technique of making gorgeous seamless unique dresses. No doubt we students only learnt it by attending personally the workshop. You see I made it !
Making the dress needs creativities, patience. Following the steps we can make chic and elegant dresses. During workshop it's not encouraged to take photos of process. Right after the class finished today. I can't wait and back to the lodging I immediately made a mini one for my relative girl, so that I can take photos of steps for future reference.
Who knows just combine wool, silk chiffon, some kind of fibre materials plus "secret skills", a stunning piece can be done in a few hours. I myself find it flexible and easiler than machine sewing.
Our workshop was held in this studio in Barrd. lt was spring time, sunny and windy at times. We packed warm in the well served studio. We'd lunch on the lawn, breathing the smell of nature.

Vilte introduced and demonstred the "tricky" ways of making. We tried and come out our own trials.
Vilte asked how we like and what we don't for our trials.

Then she advised how we can do it better on the true design. Here come from a few of us.
A coat look.
Soets' cool post !

Humm, is it fit?
My honor to have Vilte's book with her autograph.
The class is over, remaining days will be seeing a couple of friends then Amsterdam is my last stop.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cycling in a Holland Village 荷蘭鄉郊單車遊

To explore a city or village by cycling is leisure and healthy. Today's my last day in Leeuwarden. I rent a bike and cycled along the river up to a village.

Come on, I show you the scenic views.

On Sundays the city is almost closed. Only a few cafes are open. Streets are quiet.

After months of chilly weather. Warmer days and longer day light are expected. People grasped the good time and enjoyed sunbathing. The dog was also excited for the boat outing.

Stream along the river bank and lined with daffodiles. Cycling is good for all ages. No matter seniors or kids
are doing well.

Horses, sheep and cows form the stunning picture .

These are the cows - renowned forFreisland dairy.
After two hours cycling, have to take a break in this tea house.
A cappu, a piece of cake, flipped through the Women Lifestyle magazine. Is this the lifestyle I'm looking for?

A way back and have to call it a day. Rest on the slope of daffodiles admiring the river with boats sailing by.

Yes, this is the lifestyle I enjoyed.

Linking to Debbie Doo's newbie party.