

Friday, November 12, 2010

Another O.A.K. bag for good friend 給好友獨一無二手作袋子

Can't stop to do some more OAKs - one of a kind stuff for good friends. Recently inspired by Eva to do decoupage on bags, I made a few combined with my painting. Painted this one with the theme of poppies and little cottage. A set for my colleague Irene and her little sweetie Jasmine.

Both sides of the bigger bag. One with my acrylic painting, other side of flowers decoupage
Both sides of the smaller bag. Mother & daughter with painting of a little girl in the field, the other side is of broad grin. The handle is also made of my wool felt.

Poppies decoupage is cut from a napkin paper that Sue sent from England. Photos are laser prints I soaked with wintergreen oil and scratched on the bag. I stole their photos from Facebook !
This new sewing machine just bought to replace my faulty old one.

From handle to painting I made it and dedicate to Irene and Jasmine. I'm a no good painter. Painting with acrylic is fun and easy. Hope they find it unique and useful.