

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Office town meeting

Last Friday, Corp. Depts. of our company held the 3rd quarter town meeting in a Gold Coast resort. This year focusing on Team Strengthening. After the opening and company updates, followed by chairman’s coaching session and team building in the beach.
It’s a hot sunny day we did the game under tree shade, not too bad indeed.
Through the game and the process we may apply learning at work and in personal life with the can-do attitude, enthusiastic, be engaged, positive in front of challenge, prioritize and get focused……... Well, easy said than done.
Anyway it’s the annual off-site get together for colleagues to catch up and a break in the fresh outing.


  1. Years ago, I worked at Exxon and these kinds of sessions were my favorite! I learned so much from them. I think I would like to be a motivational speaker!

    It does look like you had a good time.

  2. Thanks Sandee. So you're now successfully lead and motivate students.

  3. I totally like attending team building workshop-it uplifting and boost workers morality.

  4. My brother in- law works at Phillips too in Germany. teambuilding days are fun!
