

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wool felted book cover

The other day my colleague Wendy asked me to show her how to make a wet felted wool picture. The reason was her teenage daughter Winkie has a school project to do a book cover with fabric materials. Popped up her mind was to make it with wool. Without hesitation I took a lunch break in the office demonstrated to Wendy the process, so that she could give Winkei the ideas and let her do it by herself. All finished in a weekend . See how it looks like. The book is very impressive and the teacher gave Winkie the highest full mark 10. I’m really delighted Wendy is so clever to pick up felt making which is new to her and Winkie is so talented and made it such creatively. See how pretty it is - "Cats looking forward to ....... " Each page with Bible verses and pictures show how it’s made. Love to share with you all…. What I want to do is also to spread the arts/craft of felt making – such a versatile medium. Wool ! Cool.…. I love you !!

Teacher's remarks "Unbelievable" Full score 10 !

同事Wendy的女兒 Winkie學校老師指定一研習項目,要學生各人做一本以布料為封面的本子,Wendy想起我會做羊毛氈畫,於是我用了一個午膳時間,很快的教曉Wendy如何制作,她回家把過程示範一次並以Winkie 自己的點子創意做了這本子,看,好漂亮啊!"草原上一對貓貓等待著 ...... " 每頁以圖片介紹制作過程並附以聖經金句,老師很欣賞Winkie的創意並給予最高的評分 - 十分。高興之餘,我很希望宣揚這可塑性甚高的羊毛工藝啊!

Each page with photo shows how the book was made