

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Making own eco printed leather comfy shoe 手作植物印染羊仔皮鞋

 My passion about eco printing on leather drives me further to explore the making of shoes.  I printed it and modified the"espadrille" to another pattern.
早前在法國的清晨市集購買的一對輕便鞋, 原意都是把鞋子改做, 本來的布鞋是麻繩縫合,祗要把布面拆離鞋底,備有印好的植物印染小羊皮,

Indeed earlier this month when I was in Nyons Thur market I saw the fabric hemp rope stitched flat shoes.  They're colorful and looks comfortable also not expensive. I recalled my workshop host Caroline's indigo dyed comfy shoes.  She said her mother made a few pairs.  It came to my mind I can make it if I have the pattern.  It seems easy to make.
They're made of fabric but not canvas thickness, looks soft. Among all those I took a pair and paid for it.

It fits then have to "destruct" it by moving the stitches apart from soles.

 Put template on the printed leather to draw the same pattern.

Cut the pattern and try to assemble.

 Sewed it and stitched along with hemp rope.
I have the scented wax and warmer friends gave me. Just good for the rope wax. With the wax burning the room filled with fragrance. What's more.......
 a good companion to work with.....

 Mogi keeps my company whenever I'm working.
 Stitching took hours. Burnt the oil to do as I'm quite impatient.
 Almost finished with my label.
 A pair of fisherman comfy flat shoes printed with plants gathered from friend's garden, made by myself.  I know my workmanship is not that professional but like it.
  "Mogi, you always follow me, what do you think?"
 A pair of shoes doesn't need the same pattern.
It's printed with flowers and leaves on suede of leather.
Only half of the prints of this leather used,  remaining will be made into other stuff, perhaps a purse.  It's so soft and easy sewing.  If you're interested to know how to make leather prints.  Here's my instant download pdf tutorial on my ETSY.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Creative and fabulous France journey (2) 法國豐盛完滿之旅

After eco printing sharing (last post), time for the relax touring of beautiful Bordeaux with wine and food.  Thanks for atelier host Caroline's generous guiding us in the historic town of Bordeaux with me and my girl Jasmine.

Strolling in our own printed garments.
What caught our sights of course the eucalyptus.
A nice get together with Sabine who's my mate learnt together in master Irit Dulman's Spain workshop three years ago.
After town walks then biking in the vineyard.

We've such a sunny day out in the stunning fields.

Not only enjoying the gorgeous scenery but also the French cuisine. 
Salad, oyster, cheese, wine.....
Learnt how to open oyster
Some raw some grilled
The many varieties of cheese
Thank you my host family
You all made our stay in Bordeaux so great.
Journey heading to the South, Provence.
After a few hours train we arrived in Nyons, a medieval town since 14th century.
We stayed in friend's cozy house, Brigitte and Helene are so nice to make us dishes. We walked the dogs in the old village and up to the mountain for the great views around.

Houses in the mountain
 Terraced houses and stone alleys

The old church is the landmark of Nyons
Early quiet walk
Across the bridge over Eygues we're walking along the river and passing the olive groves and orchids

Silver grey olive grove

clear water of the river
Magnificent view over the mountain Rocher Du Caire

In a leisure hiking we met a couple from Holland with the baby.  He's so cute.

Hiking up and down to the village Saint May
A village since 14th century
Back home Helene taught Jasmine the Spanish dish making
Nice gathering over the Spanish food
Day out to the Thursday market - the biggest in the region.
All those pretty stuff are so tempting....

Autumn is around the corner.  Such a good ambiance in the country market.

A tribute visit to late friend Jean's house to view his painting.

We're honored to have Jean's son Pierre to give us a few of Jean's beautiful painting.

Jean, a great painter.
Refresh Brigitte's youth....
"that's you..."
Brigitte's good friend Helene is Spanish.  She's a model feature to show the simply cutting dress I made for her.  It's kind of my creation of "slow fashion".  A round tube knit silk jersey, simply cut two arm holes and natural dyed then printed with fresh flowers and leaves.
Thank you my gorgeous super model Helene.
Time to call it a day.  We left Nyons by evening train back to Paris.
The fascinating city of marvelous facades or any angle of buildings are magnificient.
After checked in we have wine, coffee and nice food.
A journey of mother and daughter is short but great to have precious time together as each of us are busy while working.