

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Eco printed fabrics into garments 天然植物印染時裝

 Interviewed by media who I am admiring, without hesitation I said Irit Dulman.  She's a master whom I've been following and inspiring my works. Part of the fabrics was printed in her studio and the other done in Betty Eilat's while I visited them in Israel early this year. When I back home I sewed it into garment.
媒體專訪問及那些人物是我敬拜偶像,毫不思索我說是以色列大師 Irit Dulman. 她的鑽硏及新技巧是我學習從而啟發的創作。這些時尚製作正正是這半年來在她的指導下精心印製而成獨特衣著,穿在女兒或我自己身上成為兩代人衣著,這是我的創作意念及風格。

My using of oxalis for pattern design was first introduced by Irit.  The combination of oxalis and other plants makes wonderful discharge effect on surface design.
 During my stay in Israel I printed some panels under the generous tutelage of Irit.  Below images show how the jacket looks on two generations - my daughter and myself.

This side of linen with prints of passion fruit leaves,  morning glory and discharge of oxalis.
The other part is silk with prints of guava, yellow wild flowers and discharge of oxalis.  Sleeves are cotton/silk blend dyed in logwood and little "muddy prints".
Part of the prints from passion fruit leaves.  I sewed in the front of the jacket  as the focus part.

In June,  formal workshop in Holland artelier fibrefusion taught by Irit Dulman, I learnt the techniques and done lots of panels.  Recently I sewed a few garments below.
This one is Korea silk with plants gathered around the studio in Holland.
Just love the dainty flower prints and the bamboo leaves.

Next is the top with this printed panel

I used a template of a shirt my friend made me when I was young.  Nice that the size still fits.  I made the top with panels cut into front and back also for sleeves.  Maximized the fabrics for the style......

Be it a long shirt or tied a knot, I'm happy with.

I made another one with the same shirt template. Panels are first printed then dyed in indigo.  Formerly I don't like much indigo blue but this light shades I'm pleased.

It's always good to have the brad Mogi by my side.  Whatever I'm doing he's curious and of course territorial behaved.
Still have piles of prints in stash. Just like to make garments suitable for two generations.  This is how my way goes.