

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Natural printed multi styled wrap 植物印染小黃花製作

Last month I done lots of wild yellow flower prints in Israel.  Now some of the panels sewed into wearable. Here comes one of it.......

The wrap for pants or as scarf.......

 Prints on silk with iron and tannin mordant

I sewed two panels, that's it.

 It goes well with the pants which was done last year.

Thought it also goes well with other pants
 Be it a wrap for pants or a scarf, it's something of my handmade.

  I've done lots of experiments over the years. Just wanted to make simple garments or accessories with the swatches.  Almost everyday I like to put on one of my own designs just to test colorfast.  Whenever my neighbour sees me she recognises my works and says it's unique and one-of-a-kind. What a beautiful word "unique".   Yes it doesn't always mean pretty, may be she meant "muddy" .  I don't care this is my style.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Hangzhou arts interaction 杭州工藝交流

 I was away to Hangzhou this week for a jaunt of interaction of crafts printings.
 Hangzhou is renowned for it's stunning scenery particularly of the Lake.
The event of traditional Miao wax resist printing was held in the heritage crafts studio in the China National Silk Museum
This is what I was doing - the wax resist printing and dyeing
 The Sericulture House where we're doing wax painting and dyeing
Participants are to show some of their original works.  Mine is natural printing and wool felting.  
They're quite impressed with the new technique of my botanical imprints
Others are printings from India

The expert of Miao wax resist printing showed us her collection and taught us the technique
 Nice ambiance of working on the ancient craft in the old house
With the wax pen and hot wax, participants working hard to rekindle the ancient artisanal 

They finished the wax painting then dyed in the indigo pot
Since I've work in the following days I came just for the introduction and done a small piece for the practice.
I am quite happy though it's only like a kid's work.

Taking the chance coming here I also visited the galleries.  The current exhibits of Miao costumes are glamorous
 Other displays of Chinese costumes from early stage of weaving to modern design

It's spring with rain all the day but still good strolling by the lake

 I am the early bird in the street
A coffee break to rest my feet
Never boring in the rainy day when I walking in the park with blooming cherry blossom as well other flowers

A fruitful trip to Hangzhou with interaction and pleasure

Just like a bird flying high and seeing more ..........Am I tired? Probably not.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Back to basic yet vivid natural prints

Sometimes the simple and basic prints are what I like to do.  It's vivid with appropriate mordant even nice on cellulose fabrics.  Recently I went biking and got some leafs and flower petals from a friend. Just wanted to do the prints with mirror effect.  So outcome of two in one go.

I put plants on silk then covered with cellulose fabric with appropriate mordant.  Just steamed for an hour. 
This is prints on cellulose with shades of dark and clear veins

 Prints on silk is more vivid with outline and colors of leaves as well purple from petals
What I like to test more is the purple prints from petal
As this is the testing of the new plants,  I have to do some more experiments then will show the proper names of the plants.  At this stage you may like to guess what the flowers and leaves are.  
The way of making outline prints is combination of iron and tannin from leaves.  Here's my ETSY instant download PDF tutorial of the prints of making shades and outline.

I'm on the road again for a jaunt trip to Hangzhou, China for interaction.
Mogi's not happy for my out town but rest assure I will show more after the trip.