

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Days in France with lovely hosts (1) 法國悠遊行

Days here in the Souther France were sunny but windy at times. The blue skies with rolling clouds were so stunning. Arriving in the region of Languedoc-Rousillon, my hosts friend Helene and Brigitte were so warmly to show me the areas around the Mediterranean costal towns and villages. We strolling along the canal, walking in the beach, up to the hill for the town view, picnic by the sea, pool side Cataluna lunch........I'm very impressed of the warmth.

Waking in the breezy Mediterranean Sea

Quite windy in the port Collioure
This is one of the most beautiful ports I have been 

It's not yet the peak season with less tourist. We strolling pleasant.

Tranquility with boats by the lake 

Up to the hill for an overview of the towns in between the sea and lake

Cite De Carcassonne is a must visit. 

Quite a feel walking in the cobbled stone passage and alley

Canal over a river is the typical view of Le Somail

Days here are leisure, we have picnic by the Mediterranean Sea

Picnics by the vineyard 

Coffee in the most beautiful village in Lagrasse

Cataluna lunch by the pool in host's house
In the early summer of France, poppies are blooming

My friends showed me how they played with the poppies to make a doll in their childhood 

L'Orbieu, another old village with good view. I really am so glad for the days with friends here .......as well wearing my just made wearables with own natural prints in Spain last week.

The bold and bright prints of chestnut. Soon be home......will experiment the technique.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Journey heading ....with my super model friends 継續法國旅程

I continued my journey in Europe in Pergignan, France visiting friends Brigitte and Helene. Helene is a super model to demo my natural printed garments made in Irit Dulman and Revital Avidar's workshop in Spain.
在法國南部地中海城市 Perpignan 與友人Brigitte 及 Helene會合,這裡継續歐洲旅程,超模 Helene穿上我在西班牙做的時裝比我表現得更合身亮麗!  
To start my fantastic holiday in France with good friends and show more photos of my outfits on the pretty model. The photos speak themselves how my garments look!
A plain dress of indigo dye and leaf prints direct from leaves.  All natural printed and dyed.
A style with a belt on, stylish!

My natural printed scarf with big chestnut leaf and indigo dyed
Another outfit with natural leaf prints and bottom dyed in weld, yellow shade.
Helene's cat Maya is looking at super model !
The outfit fits me and the model as well as the silk jersey is eleastic fabric.
Super model Helene and me, the garment maker.
I would say the dress fits my model friend more beautiful then me (left picture).
My good friends Brigitte and Helene. We are all in natural printed outfits. 
Thank you for Helene and Brigitte's hosting. Next blog will be some more about my travel in the town of south France.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Workshop in Spain 西班牙工作坊

My Eco prints and garments workshop in Azanza, Spain just completed. The amazing prints of the local leaves are so impressive.  Without the know how from brilliant Irit Dulman for the botanical imprints and fashion maker Revital Avidar's design ideas I could not have made the beautiful prints and garments.
在西班牙村莊的課程完結了,我們13位來自11個國家地區的學生從採拾當地葉子到印染自己設計的布料,再而製作成合身獨特的成衣,這學習過程感謝兩位以色列植物印染藝術家 Irit Dulman及時裝設計師 Revital Avidar 的教授,我在這優美山區小村完成了多件成衣及布料。我滿載豐富的離開小村莊,今天繼續行程回到巴塞隆拿然後前往法國 Perpignan 享受餘下旅程.......

The new techniques of natural prints with plants are so variable.

I'm very happy with the chestnut leaf marks. Unbundling is always so exciting.

We learnt the skills of natural dyeing as well. Fabrics in the sun waiting for our next creation.

After a few samples done, we started to make the big pieces for garments making.

I love the prints on  silk jersey.
These pieces will be another project when I get home.
During these days I have made two dresses, one top, a skirt and many sample prints with different plants.

I am pleased with my garments with a few leaves

All these are made in the Basque casa in Azanza, Spain .  Such lovely memories to have made these garments with the local plants.

Thank you Irit Dulman, you're gorgeous.

Thank you Revital Avidar, you are brilliant. With you both we made unique garment with own printed fabrics. 

This workshop brought us a close network.  A group of 13 participants from 11 countries/regions. It made us a wonderful creation journey.

The workshop closed and I left the village with new skills and nice memories with lovely ladies.

We grasped the last moment for a view of the village before next journey.
I am heading to France for a week before returning home. That will be another reunion with good friends.  Anticipating our get together in 24 hours.