

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Botanical imprints workshop 多彩的植物移印染實驗坊

A day right after my travels from Europe, good to adjust my jet leg was engaged in a botanical imprints workshop with a group of enthusiastic volunteers from a NGO - St James Settlement .
甫自歐洲回港不足24小時, 過往的我時差要待多日才適應, 幸好要為早前已安排一非牟利機構聖雅各福群會義工朋友們做植物移印染實驗坊, 我的日間時間不致賴在床上.
準備好有明樊及鐵質媒染的葉子材料, 各人在一個下午製作了20件不同鋪排及效果的絲巾樣品. 我很高興義工朋友們為社區付出寶貴時間幫助有需要的人士, 還抽空學習新創意,  希望我的點點技巧能傳揚開讓更多人發拙植物印染的奇妙 !
 This morning I prepared some kinds of leaves for the session.  I used iron and alum mordant for eucalyptus and onion skins soaked overnight. Other leaves were citrus leaves, rose leaves and kind of pines.
 After the simple sample I showed, they started their own bundling. 

 I also showed them how to make their own "core", my way of using the paper board rolling is space save for boiling.  Also the bending even makes the tying tight.
 During the 5 hours session each of the participant done two pieces with different techniques.

 As always the opening is excited especially for their first time of making.
Here pictures speak themselves........

 The colorful rack

 The two pieces of different tone. They're pleased with the natural prints and found the interesting outcome with iron.
 I'm delighted for their enthusiasm in helping each other and the time devoted for the needy.   I hope they would explore more the fun and share in the community.  I'm most happy to spread........

Monday, April 27, 2015

Goodbye the beautiful Netherlands 別了花之國度 - 荷蘭

After feeding myself in the cozy farm house Boerderij Bouwlust, I grasped the last morning in the beautiful farm surrounding. What a sunny and warm Monday holiday. It's King's Day - Dutch Royal is always respected and welcome. A day to celebrate by all means.
I followed Marie-Jose and the baby sheep....
to feed the cute one....
I strolled along the river bank from one side to the other. Wherever I'm travelling in Europe, churches in a town or village are always my direction to find the location. Here in Nes aan de Amstel, the countryside only 20km from the airport is where my master class of fashion and my farmhouse B&B located. My last stop in Holland is fruitful with the techniques I learnt, the design of Tatiana Sheverda is brilliant. She's amazing and well managed to teach us all personal projects. Her cheerful character made us so pleasant. Dorie van Dijk's Atelier Fibrefusing is such a spacious and well equipped studio for learning. With all day filled breverage, cakes and yummy farmer lunch....... we all immersed in the environment.  My projects done in three days.  This is the first piece.
A final touch up
Tatiana helped my fitting
All done ! The trendy, unique and textural vest of my design under the guidance of Tatiana.
It is two-sided
Since it's mainly done with local pebbles I also fixed it with pebbles picked on the ground for the buttons. A good keepsake of my learning here.

My final leg in Holland is such a fruitful trip with friendship, techniques and impressive views.
I'm heading home........my family and my Mogi are expecting me.....
Goodbye Amsterdam......
Goodbye the little furry ones....
Goodby the mama-to-be.....  She's expecting delivery in a few days.  May be next time I'm here to see the big furry family again........

Friday, April 24, 2015

Holland here I come 又到荷蘭

Yes, I'm here again in Holland, the country I'm bond with since me and my husband have worked for a Dutch multi-national company for over 35 years and I've visited the country for 6 times. I love my friends and my colleagues here. This time of visit is attending a workshop of pattern making for wool felt fashion.
東歐三國行兩星期的寫意交流剛完結,甫從維也納飛到荷蘭,一個我曾多次到訪並有深厚情感的國家, 此行為的是參與一羊毛工藝時尚衣飾製作。入住這熟悉的環境,寧靜的運河小村是我上課的地區,能不走走拍攝幾幀照片?!
After my travels in the countries (Slovakia, Hungary and Austria) along Danube river, I left by flight from Vienna to Amsterdam this morning. Sounds that Slovakia to Vienna then Amsterdam is a long way across three countries. Indeed isn't that much. From Slovakia's capital Bratislava where I stayed in my friend's is only an hour bus ride to Vienna. Flight from Vienna to Amsterdam is only 1.5 hours.
So I landed in late afternoon in Amsterdam, still so bright in the long summer day light.
I checked in the farm house B&B at 6.  You see the sun light through the window is so beautiful.
Though it's almost 7 at night I can't resist to have a walk in the area I'm familiar with.  This is the canal village I will take the workshop. The village I have stayed for a couple of days last Sept for a visit to the studio owner Dorie and the same B&B I stayed.
The village is not strange to me yet the views are different from last early autumn to now early summer. Weather is the same cool but with long day light is another feel.
Private boats by the tranquil canal
Children are rolling or sitting by the river. It is Thursday not Friday.  I can see how they enjoy the sun light for sorts of outdoor activities.

Girls are chatting with their bikes parked aside.  How leisure they are. This is Holland........ I'll have more views in the coming days..... Some cats, cows, horses, sheep...... I love Holland !!