

Monday, September 29, 2014

Red -Tote bag from eco prints 點點紅植物染布袋

 My last post mentioned about the prints on the new flannel I tested on. The fabric takes bold prints, particularly the red of euc silver dollar.
 The dog and cat silhouette I further enhanced the outline by a sharpie.  Cat looks like a cat but a dog...... only the owner knows it is, I'm afraid !  
The prints on a small flannel is a test but turn it into something practical would be great.
 So I used the different cotton scraps from stash made the back and the lining.  The straps are also eco prints of another testing on flannel.
 A tote bag with two inner pocket of same red color but different pattern.
 The tote bag is big enough and strong enough to hold two thick books.  Whatever purposes the prints turned into a practical item is what I wanted.
 What do you think Mogi?
Mogi, "hmmmmmmm.......good shade for me!"
 This is how it was made from scratch to finished. 
Red is the tone I love from eco print.  It's still mystery for me why euc  silver dollar gives such bright ad bold red.  No idea, if someone knows and share would be great. 

 Yesterday was a sunny Sunday.  I went to my studio and picked some casaurina and the dried cones.  Will do some testing on dry cones to see the outcome.
 On my way passing the park, the red running kids caught my sight. There was a rugby event for the families.
Red is thriving......
 Mogi, " have a good day !"

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lonely Planet 大地紅心

 Lonely heart ?  No, not alone......
You said you're beside me on my travels.  
 The two silhouettes are meeting and hope will meet in person one day.  You know who you are! 

 Mogi said, " just wish I could meet this pretty soul !"
Mum said, " I do wish to meet her mum too !"
 Well, back home back to our country side.  The past Friday I went with the group for the Friday hiking on Lantau
 Villages in the lush
 You said you love and bold with pine cones.  When I saw the pines I picked a little for eco prints.
 Trail up and down to the sea side
 The beach lined with casaurina but too high to reach the cones
 I picked a few pieces of leafs to cut the silhouette, even tried on banana leaf
 Laid on flannel fabric and boiled for 2 hours
 Pines and euc are bold with iron mordant
 Cat & dog meeting in Tuscany
 Planet with a big heart and many small hearts.  I'm not lonely

 Just pines and two sorts of euc to make this "Warm Hearted" print

 Violet Rose and Mogi virtual meet

 They meet on the flannel which I may do something with to make it practical.
Thanks friends for following me. My Facebook page reached 600 that's encouraging for me as a little woman who can share and  travel to meet the like-minded.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tuscany inspired eco printed wool shawl 植物印染羊毛被肩

 Thinking of Tuscany, my mind recalled the scenery of lined cypress on the undulating hills.  I used the simple strokes of casaurina and a few rose and euc leaves to make the eco prints on the wool sheet and turned it into shawl-vest. 
意大利托斯卡尼柏樹散佈於鄉野間, 曲折蜿蜒形成優美的景象.
 我以一些桉樹葉, 玫瑰葉及幾條馬尾松以植物印染技巧在羊毛絨上做出我的 "托斯卡尼" 主題被肩背心.
 Landscapes of Tuscany is brilliant no matter day and night.  The scenic views around my friend's medieval town Sarteano
 Since returned from Italy a week, I've made a few eco prints and wool felt stuff with the theme of cypress.
 I put the casaurina, rose leaves and assorted euc leaves on wool sheet
 Bundled and boiled in turmeric pot for 1.5 hours then added logwood chips into the pot to make the dye a bit darker yellow.
 Unbundled it...... as expected....
 Let it dry on the floor with sunshine ....... 
We're into fall, quite a crispy day and all dried in no time.
 I cut the wool sheet two arm holes and lined with my dyed silk straps.
 All done in a day
 I dance I wrap myself ........
 My Tuscany dream realised.  I put my feet into the scenic region and got inspired by the brilliant views.  This is the theme of "cypress"  multi- styled shawl.
 Slip into arm holes make it a vest

 Or casual wrap or drape

 The tie lines are striking

 Simply a wearable of my "Tuscany dream"
After the shawl prints, another project is in the make.  My plate is full, can't help myself.  Any way a break is need.
Until next time.