

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nuno felt vessel

I usually make wool felt vessel with all the wools. After I learned the skill of nuno felt I discovered making a vessl with this skill is good for a glowing pot as it needs less wool and the texture is great.
I made this vessel with scraps of silk chiffon, mulberry silk and a few pieces of lace with a card template.

I put the silk chiffon scraps (better to soak into water and squeeze wrinkles before putting on) on the template and covere with white merino wool.

Sprinkle some water over it.

Put a white chiffon over it and turn it over. Do the same steps, put wool and silk scraps on the other side then enclose the whole template with white chiffon.

Roll it with bubble wrap and do the rolling. After fully felted, cut the top to open the "mouth" and shape it full.

A finished look - it can be a holder of your little treasure.

This is the other side of the look. The texture is what I wanted.

It is thin. If you put a LED lamp inside, it can be a glowing decoration.

Linking with Debbie Doo's Newbie party.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nuno felt vest - "Flame" (火焰之物)

Nature is the fountain of inspiration as I always said. I love autumn, love the changing color from green to red and yellow. I recalled my memory of a trip to Hokaido. I visited an art museum and walked through a brush of maples. My felt works sometimes have the elements of mother nature. Although now is in mid summer, hot and so hot, I still hooked with wool felt. Just done this one piece seamless nuno felt vest . My friends always have the queries of whether wearing something of wool is hot. I tried it in 31+ celsius degree. It's not that warm because it's made with the skill of "nuno felt" - wool entangled into silk chiffon. I call this vest "flame".

I tore the colorful silk chiffon in diagonal stripes, laid it with merino wool and mulberry silk over the resist. Then covered it with white silk chiffon and did the rolling and fulling.

It come out shrinkage about 25%

Close up of texture. That's what I wanted.

White merino wool and green mulberry silk are entangled into chiffon.

Just love this effect.

Front and back look.

A Sunday morning in a little sandbar near my studio. I was cheerful in this peaceful spot.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Treasure box with our loved ones 寶貝的寶盒

Come on Tiger, Mogi. Debbie's hosting Kitty Cat linking party. There'll be many lovely kitties to join. Wish Baby Kitty a fabulous BIRTHDAY. Let's dress up and going to ......
Do I need to put on shoes as well? Oh..., you're gorgeous to show up now. I usually do wool felt but doing something with our pets is wonderful. This box is made with furry ball Bonnie. I asked my friend Heidi to save some hair she combed Bonnie and made something with it.

Her hair is dark grey so I put some other wool on it to make it more colorful, also embellished with some crystal stones and glass beads. Cat's hair is easily felted and quite firm after dried. You see it can be a holder. I call it a "treasure box". Hope Heidi loves it.

我通常以羊毛做手工藝, 寶貝寵物的毛毛也可做手工, 我朋友Heidi 留下每日為貓兒 Bonnie 梳理後的毛毛, 我為她做了這個立體盒子.希望她喜歡.
This one is from my BSH Tiger.

And this square one is from Chinchilla Mogi.

Tiger is 3 years old. He's the big brother. When he's young he's quite adventurous and curious on everything. He's sturdy and quite alertive. Whenever he hears some strange sounds he'd jump up and scares.

Last year when the new Chincillar joined our family, Tiger was so jealous and acts as big brother. There're some rows luckily no serious flighting.

See..... they're so sweet at times.

Mogi has territorial behavior though he's the new comer. Wherever Tiger sleeps he wants to occupy it. This fluffy ball has the outlook of gentle and tidy but he unwillingly lets us comb hair, cut nails or clean ear. He likes sleeping on our lap that's different from Tiger.
Well, let me show you how to make a felted box.

First to lay the hair over a paper template (resist), cover with some colorful wool, wet it with luke soapy water and wrap the seams around the template. Turn it over and lay the hair to wrap wholely around the template. Cover with a tulle and put some soapy water to do the felting. Cut the center for the lid. Do some running stitches around the cutted margin just not to have a loose margin end. Do the fulling and make it round shape.

Embellished it with a felted flower it'll look brighter. That's it.

Having pets in a house is lively and making something with it is fun.

Have a nice time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nuno felt dolls show you around my place- Stanley

I've added some more collection of my nuno felt dolls recently just wanted to experiment different chiffons entanglement with wool . I've to name these now borns. Is Nuna sounds pretty? OK, let me call it Nuna.

They're made of ceramic or paper clay bodies, rope limbs, wool+chiffon hats and dresses. Interested please read my previous post of how to make it.

Let Nuna Orange shows you Stanley where I've my little studio. We went up the trail to the mid of the hill. All year round there're lots of wild flowers. I don't know the names honestly. Some fruits of them are edible.
野牡丹花 Melastomaceae are typically everywhere in the mountain.
Stanley is on the south of the Island. The British and Canadian troops made their last stand before surrending to Japanese troop during the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941.
It is now a little district mixed with different elements. Down there are prime houses for the rich, government houses for grass roots, barracks for PLA (People's Liberation Army of China) even prisons. Surrounding is peaceful, beautiful with lushes and jade clear beaches.

Months ago there're lots of white wild camilia now become fruits. Things change from thriving to fading or verse versa.

These mini wooden houses in sculpture were only recreated in accordance to the original squatters on the hill side some decades ago. This was the artwork displayed in the corridor to show the historic development of the area by school project. Thanks to FYK Memorial School.

In the 90's the hillside of Stanley were full of squatters. After some years of transformation it become a well developed and harmonic area both for local and tourists. On sundays I love walking up the trails to have a breath breaking view.

Strolling along the waterfront is pleasing.

Main Street with lined bars and restaurants is packed with tourists on holidays.

Tranquil with fishing boats.

Nuna Orange is tired after some steps. Let's call it a day. Wanna to home? This will be going to J. A special wish for her.

These are waiting to somebody's home on special occasions.
Nice week to YOU. Until next time.
Linking with Threading My Way - Dolls
Linking with DIYbydesign.

Linking with Todaycreative blog.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Delighted being featured in UK supplier's newsletter

I'm over the moon for being featured artist in a newsletter of a very big wool supplier in UK. Some of my works are shown. Delighted to share with you all. 我真的開心得不得了, 我的作品在英國的一家羊毛供應商的網上通訊展示, 我更是這一期的 "featured artist".

I'd like to invite you to visit Wingham Wool Works for details and view my works. Please click the picture of my item to have a big view. For my two years learning and creation this is most rewarding. I can show to the world the versatility of wool. Thank you Wingham and YOU for stopping by.

這兩年來的學習與創作, 我的制作可以在這裡與你分享實屬榮幸, 我希望有更多人發掘羊毛氈工藝, 使這古老又現代的工藝得以傳承, 邀請你進入 Wingham Wool Works 網頁有我的文字及更清晰圖片.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nunu Felt Vest 羊毛雪紡背心

It's a hot summer weekend. I still love playing with wool. I tried this nuno felt vest in the weekend with mix medium. Materials are mainly silk chiffon and wool, white is the basic one. Small pieces are for pattern, plus some lace, some mulberry silk and the resist template.

Lay the wool, chiffon pattern, mulberry silk over the resist and cover with wool.

Wrap both and do the "rock & roll" for approx. 25-min.

Here turned out the finished vest

- the front

The back.

I fixed it with my handmade ceramic button. This vest can be a summer top or in winter goes with a sweater.

Close up of texture.

I've made some ceramic buttons just for wool felt clothes or for fabric bags. Love to do own handmade stuff as much as possible.

OMG ! Who thrown all over and broken a few pieces ? Mogi curious on it, as well Tiger.

Oh it's you both Mogi and Tiger chasing over the table and poured the container upside down. Fortunately only broken 2 pieces.

Cats, I love you and have to tolerate what you've done. That's me the "cat slave" !