

Saturday, May 28, 2011

98th post - A giveaway on my 100th post 在我第100篇網誌送出的禮品

This is my 98th post. I'm glad that you stop by. Since March 2010 I started blogging and blabbing about my DIY crafts, travelling or my cats, I got some sweet comments and advices, all were encouraging. I even met some inspiring artists via blogging. I love this social media. As a gesture to Thank You, I'm going to send a giveaway of this merino handbag for the winner who will leave comments on my 100th blog on my special occasion which should be coming out around mid June.
這一年多以來, 我在98 篇網誌閒聊吹吹水, 說說貓語, 交流手作. 難得你路過或專程的細閱, 還有些回應, 實在使我雀躍. 為表謝意, 我將會在六月份一個我的特別日子寫第100篇網誌 , 在那篇文字留言的網友我會隨機抽一名字送出我這一件羊毛手袋. For my last 97 posts I got comments almost on each post, except this and that
- "that" was my 1st post. It elated me indeed !!

Wool felt is the craft I only know in recent two years and really hooked to it. This is a merino wool wet felt handbag with the skill of nuno felt silk chiffon flower entangled during the process of wet felting. Strips of wool & bead are detachable, the bag lining is hand stitched and there's an enclosed button made of wool and bead for easy pulling.

To join the game simply dropping by on my 100th post to say hi and I'll random pick up one name for the winner and announce on my 101th post. Love to hear from you on my coming posts.

Linking with Debbie Doos's Newbie Party

Thank you and have a nice week.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wool Hanging 羊毛氈畫

Have a wool felt picture workshop scheduled in June. Be it a one-on-one or a group I normally have to show a few samples. This weekend I made a few with imagination.

為六月中的羊毛氈畫制作班準備, 這周日憑想像做了幾幅掛晝以作參考.

Tried this one with flowers outside the margin.
Nuno felt flowers of silk chiffon.
Always find the soft wool felt pictures are good in a kid's room.
I like to make pictures of flowers and country side scenery.

Imagine I'm in a lavender field, my little house in the yellow grasses.

Little showcase of my needle felt and wet felt stuff.

Here in Hong Kong summer is around and Ppoinciana are in full blooming.

盛夏的香港, 燦爛的鳳凰木(又名影樹) , 如火焰一樣, 遠遠已看見鮮艷的橙紅色花蔟The red-orange color is flame like. Just love this eye catching sight in summer.

Yesterday I was on my way to my mum in Shatin. Along the river there're lots of Poinciana. It hit my mind I wanted to make a hanging of this flower.

昨日路過城門河畔又見艷紅的影樹, 就以此樹木作畫吧.

I picked some dried pods for home decoration.

就此完成一幅 "影樹" 並把拾回來的乾豆莢成為掛子.

This hanging was then made with imagination of Poinciana and hanged with the dried pod.

Linking with Debbie Doo's Newbei party.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nuno felt baby stuff 我的溫柔手作

My friends always are so inspiring and elated me to do more creation. Judy suggested me to make some baby stuff with my new skill of nuno felt, I done these in no time - dress, hat and booties.

也是我的最佳 "顧問", 有你們的意見,驅使我作多方嚐試, Judy建議我以 nuno felt 的技巧做嬰兒衣物. 好提議, 我就做了這些小帽子, 裙子與鞋子.

Baby feet are sweet.....
小腳子快要學走路 .....
Come and walk on my field......
來來來...... 跟我踏草原.....
With lots of sunshine, put the hat on.....
可別怕陽光, 有小帽子呵.......
Booties are made of merino wool, a sheep is always stand by me......
呵, 原來小羊子常伴我左右......
Baby stuff of this color are neutral. They are made of silk chiffon, merino wool and some small pieces of chiffon samples I got from wholesaler for the embellishment. This is good for materials testing.這些嬰兒衣物是用羊毛, 絲雪紡做成, 帽邊飾物是從深水埗布行取來的雪紡樣本, 我這樣可作物料試驗, 有時候買了不對辦的物料, 做到氣急敗壞.
I fond of pastel color, particularly green, yellow and blue.
This working bench I painted with acrylic is also of field, grasses and little houses. When I'm doing crafts I thought I'm wandering in the field.
我愛粉色, 特別是黃呀, 青呀, 所以我這工作板也塗了草原, 花花草草, 讓我做手作時就好像神遊鄉間 !!

Color of yellow and green just makes me feeling good. Green is symbol of live, green is nature. What sorts of color are your favourite?
Thanks for stopping by. Have a good week.

Linking with ThreadingMyWay

Linking with Debbie Doos Newbie party

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm "dyeing" - color me 多一點色彩

I made a little nuno felted dress after the workshop . Just wanted to change it from white to other color. Heard that dyeing with veggies is easy and eco-friendly. Thanks to Kim of Viltalakim and Mariana of ArtMind for their valuable advices of onion dyeing. I made it !! This is the new pastel orange dress.

我嚐試為素白的羊毛雪紡漂染另一色彩, 多得 KimMariana 的意見, 我用洋

蔥衣的植物漂染方法, 環保既方便的把我做的一件白色 nuno felt裙子改變成 "蝦肉色". 當然, 原本的白色很清新, 我是以這一小件的試驗, 若然失敗了也不太 "肉赤".


Steps of making onion skin dyeing.

1. I used some onion skins

2. Put all onion skins (about 4 pieces of big onions) in a tulle bag. Place it into a simmering pot, color coming out immediately.

3. After some time, I took out the tulle skins. Water looks like sort of juice.

4. I put the white dress and a few pieces of twisted chiffon locks in order to make dark and pale color. Put all into the pot and simmer for a little while, don't bring to boil.

5. Leave it overnight.

(In the dark, my son took over the pot cover and thought it's the Russian soup with tomato and potato - so bright color !)

6. Rinse all thoroughly.

Dyed color like this. I can use the chiffon to make other nuno felt stuff.

After dyed, the nuno felted chiffon flowers and strips are more distingished.

Comparison of before and after.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Beautiful and happy Sunday 美好的星期天

It's a beautiful Sunday and Mother's Day. Walking up the Stanley Park in the morning, I overlooked the bay there're already lots of boats as a dragon boats racing was taking place for celebration of Buddha's Birthday.

It's a hot summer day with blue skies and clouds. Seems such nice weather is luxurious in Hong Kong even the seagulls were delighted for that.

Just love this little village, only a stone throw from the city. One side of the bay is with lined bars and markets and the other is a tranquil small beach.

In the afternoon my tiny flat was filled with girls for making the wool felt pouches. They're my daughter's schoolmate and friends. The talented girls were creative and made the nice iPone pouches.

These are colorful ! A few of them were given to their mums on Mother's Day. Thoughtfulness girls ! My day ended up with my sweet daughter and hubby in a Japanese restaurant for the dinner.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Go pets party 寵物派對

Linking with Debbie Doo's Pet Party. Fun to join it.

Mogi is a Chinchilla, one year old. Tiger is a 3-year BSH. Tiger didn't want the new comer in the first instance and in hostile. After some weeks he got used to Mogi. The two naughty things now chasing each other. When they run and jump they blow hair everywhere. I've to comb them especially Mogi everyday. His hair is long and very soft. It come to my mind to do something about their hair.

又到 Debbie Doo 的寵物派對了. Mogi 是一歲的金吉拉, Tiger 是三歲的英短, 當Mogi來到我家Tiger總是敵對, 幾星期後Tiger才接受 Mogi, 現在兩傢伙常常追逐跑跳弄得飛毛處處, 我想何不把他們梳下來的毛毛做樣東西?

For those who love cats or dogs may find making something with their pets is a nice idea. I made this felted box with my cats hair. I usually do wool felt stuff. Find my cats hair are good for making a box. 愛貓愛狗的朋友可能會覺得這盒子不錯. 不然 ......怪!? 這是用我的貓毛毛做成的. 一向愛做羊毛氈工藝, 不如做些以自己寵物為材料的物件. I put a LED lamp inside it glows. It can be a holder for my cats treats.可以是散發光亮的盒子或是貓兒零食盒.Or make a hat pin.
These hats are for my ceramic dolls. They look good !!
做個帽子別針? 其實這些已是我的陶瓷娃娃的帽子.Milka knows I love my cats and sent over me a nice gift of board. She made it herself. It's proudly on the cats' home.

Tiger said it's his.

Mogi said "It's mine"

Tiger claimed " Walawala...., it's mine, I'm the big brother!"

"Oh, you're always my buddy."

They always like that, chasing, hugging and licking. Indeed not too friendly but never flight. Tiger looks sturdy. At high alert to sounds and strangers. Mogi is adorable and innocent. They're the focus of our daily.

Friends know I adore cats. They bought me some cat books. Beautiful pictures and quotes about cats and felt craft with cat. Proud to have my book published for Tiger for his first year with us.