Ever since two years ago encountered wool felting, I almost hooked and have made quite a lot stuff. I wanted to explore further with new skills. My inception of wool clothing was only for winter. Until I found Vilte, a Lithuania artist via Vaida. I was impressed with Vilte’s stunning designs of nuno felt dresses – light, thin and transparent that suits all seasons. Vilte uses particles of wool, silk and other natural materials to transform fabrics and fibers into stunning wearable art. Her seamless wedding gowns, tops and dresses are master pieces and definitely what I expect to make. Vilte will have a nuno felt dress making workshop in Holland in April. Without hesitation I signed up and will fly off to Holland on 7 April. I’m so excited to follow the prominent artist. Taking the chance in Holland I’ll visit a couple of friends and colleagues. I’ve a passion of Holland. I work for a Dutch company. Love the canals, love the flowers and love cycling. I hope to do cycling in the Friesland pasture…….. will certainly share the fun when I return. 對羊毛氈工藝與日俱增, 自兩年前接觸這工藝便愛不釋手, 雖然已有多樣制作, 我希望多嚐試多創意, 一向以為羊毛祗可做暖暖寒衣, 原來與其他物料混合氈化後更可做出「 輕 、薄、 透」無 縫 的夏日 時尚衣飾. 機緣巧合, 知道有一位立陶苑藝術家 Vilte 四月份在荷蘭菲士蘭有一個 nuno felt dress 工作坊, 正正是我期待的技巧研習, 豈容錯過? 太愛荷蘭這花之國度, 下星期去荷蘭上課之餘亦會探訪同事朋友及踏單車, 賞賞花 ….. 回來一定與有興趣 的朋友分享...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Holland, I'm coming.... 將會重訪花之國度荷蘭 ,,,,,,
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Nuno felt brooch
It's spring, a season of color and light accessories go with costume. These are what I made today - the nuno felt brooches. I used the broken pieces of chiffon and did the running stitches along the margins then pulled it together.
In between the chiffon, I placed some wool, i.e. some on the bottom, some on the top. Last fixed it with thread.
Same steps as wet felting, covered it with a tulle and the hands moving motion made it entangled.Linked up to Debbie Doo's party this week.
Linked up to Keeping it Simple this week.
Linked up to DIY by Design this week.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Inspiration from bloggie
In February I read Lisa of lilfishstudio about Sentimental Idiol - the ideas of inspiring way and how she shared with Rikkianne Van Kirk,
who loves to make the aged pages and forgotten words current with her illustration. Rikkianne encouraged others to share how they're inspired. I always find Lisa's works amazing, particulary her woods works. I typically love her brooches of birch bark with wool, as well some polished wood pendants. Love her combo of soft and hard materials. I shared in Rikkianne's blog and shown her how my works were inspired. Last week I was so honored to have received two prints of Rikkiannes.
who loves to make the aged pages and forgotten words current with her illustration. Rikkianne encouraged others to share how they're inspired. I always find Lisa's works amazing, particulary her woods works. I typically love her brooches of birch bark with wool, as well some polished wood pendants. Love her combo of soft and hard materials. I shared in Rikkianne's blog and shown her how my works were inspired. Last week I was so honored to have received two prints of Rikkiannes.
These prints ideas come from Lisa's altered garage sale dress. When I look at it I remember Lisa's daughter sweet smiles. I also like the idea of recycle, waste not, want not.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I'm not boring because of you 你給我精彩每一天
Yesterday Mr Postman handed me a package from USA. I was so surprised and delighted to have received a beautiful pack of gifts from Melinda, my bloggie from CA. She's so nice to have thought of me when she attended the annual Fabric Convention and bought me the Wensleydale and Romney wool which are gorgeous for my creations. I can't wait to try it today. I made a bag (a vessel or a light holder, you name it).
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Relief after the Summit 任務完成鬆一口氣
Tiger, you want to join me? No kidding, I'm not going for shopping or leisure. My trip to Kuala Lumpur is for the support of our stakeholders engagement - a Summit brought together leading professionals and shared their views and insights on specific topics. 我每次出門, Tiger 總愛霸著我的行李箱, 這次可不是遊樂呵, 為的是去吉隆坡高峰會議, 四天罷, 但殊不輕鬆. 此刻任務完成, 可鬆口氣.
Whenever I'm travelling, Tiger likes sitting on my suitcase. Oh, I miss you while I'm out. Are you good boy?
Business trip is not pleasant, have to check emails and do the updates in hotel day and night.I stayed in Mandarin Oriental, facing the Twin Towers. Thought of a simple room service to save time. I ordered sandwiches , drink and salad. The services were excellent even with such a nice table setting pushing in. I did enjoy the meal.