

Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog candies from Charlotte

I am so happy to have received from Charoltte a big parcel
of "blog candies " for her draw. They're so sweet.

They're wonderful for cards, tags and all creative ideas.

BIG thanks to Charlotte.

My ceramic and living 我的陶瓷 - 生活一體

Since last year hooked with wool crafts and really into it, I almost have no time to do my ceramics. But it's my ever never given up hobby. These days I recalled some stuff and made a few pieces. My hubby helped me put a LED color changing lamp inside this shade. Color changes blue, purple, red, green...... Romantic at night !

My cat clock tells me time to wake up and have a cup of tea.

Just made these bowls and plates. My painting is not that good. Underglazing is typically difficult on clays. Shapes are intentionally made not full. I know I'm not following rules and always done on my way. I must thank for my pottery studio allowing me the flexible space and their tolerance for whatever I like.

I fond of lavender, poppies and always reminisced the good old days in Provence. Painted the plate of it.
One side of lavender, the downside is a funny face of a cat.
Bon Appetit!!

My breakfast - a bowl of porridge, pieces of home made cookies and a pot of tea.

Having a nice weekend !

Monday, October 25, 2010

Decoupage and bags of painting 我的手作袋子

Decoupage bags of napkin papers are very pretty. Why not make one of own painting? Today I painted a bag with acrylic. Acrylic paints are very good on canvas and washable.

Overseas friends know I like to do with crafts. They sent me some lovely napkin papers to do with decoupage. Brigitte gave me this famous cats painting of Rosina Wachtmeister
This flower from Jan

This cow pattern is from Ria. The strips are wet felt wool and the ceramic leave are my own handmade. This is a laser print transferred with sort of ointment.

I want to make bags all with DIY. I bought the cotton cloth and strips. Intentionally used the dark strips as white ones get obvious dirts easily.The plain bag made looks like this.
I brushed the ointment (Methyl Salicylate) on the back of the laser print. Put face down and scratched. The image then transferred permanently on the cloth surface. The effect looks a bit faded. Another look.

A napkin paper decoupage is more prettier. Color is shape and firm.
Have sewed eight pieces of big and small bags. Will do a few more decoupage.
Here in Hong Kong we can buy some stuff at very cheap price. A bag like this may only cost USD1. Sometimes I fed up for how much effort I put on it. However something of own handmade and one of it's kind gives me a sense of satisfaction. If my friends appreciate it I'd be most happy to give away.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wool Felt Christmas Bell 羊毛聖誕鐘

Christmas will be around soon . Last Sunday I tried making some wool felt Christmas bells. These are what I've made.
I did the wet felt bells and the needle felt pendants of owl, bird and hen.

This is the first one I made. Personally find this owl cute.

A hatching hen is nice as well ?

The day I went up the Stanley Park overlooking the South China Sea. The carved words on the stone mean "Admiring the Wave". I picked up a dry branch. It's good for the owl to stand on.

Here it looks like
I put the big branch in the vase to hold the felt hat I learnt in England. It's a kind of decoration. Looks good, right?
We're into autumn now. The season I love best, dry and crispy.
Nature is full of inspiration and creation. But nature can be a great destroyer. Today we've typhoon - a super typhoon is approaching. Hope it wouldn't hit too much.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Decoupage and wool crafts tuition swap 玻璃拚貼與羊毛手工藝交流

What a fruitful session for us ! Eva and I swapped crafts tuition last Sat. She's good in decoupage and was so kind to show us to make decoupage on a glass plate with the effect of cracks also to make decoupage on a bag.

Eva specially made me this glass plate with a beautiful rose and cracking effects. Judy said the rose just like "coming through a wall ".
Loving it and big hug to Eva.
I made this one with the pretty napkin paper. Just love the pink & purple blossoms. Thought this original painting is a master piece of a famous painter. Who can tell me who's it?
Decoupage on bags - transfer napkin papers onto a cotton bag.

See how lovely they are. Simply like printing on the bag.
They're washable !

After the session of decoupage. It's my turn to show Eva how to make a wool coated soap and bangel bracelet. These are what they look like.

First wrapped a thread of the same size of a bracelet with wool. Soaked in water and rubbed around it till the shape come out. Then took out the thread and full to the desired size.
The girls made these. They said they're not good in needle works. Well, my pleasure to do the embellishments.

I stitched with some lace flowers, glass beads etc. Girls do you recognise which one is yours? Do you love them?

The idea of making a wool felted bangel bracelet from this

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our gorgeous - we wish you thriving and tough 心肝寶貝, 願你茁壯成長

My nephew Mathew's daughter Hei-hei. She's tough and won the battle.

The night two months ago my niece Rhoda called me in distress that her brother Mathew's 21-month old daughter Hei-hei was in hospital for liver failure and asked if I know any medication can rejuvenate it. I was shock to learn it. The failure was all in a sudden just a week when she got a flu and seen doctor. She has taken some medicine contained panadol. The virus or the side effects may have attacked her liver. I’ve no such medical knowledge and immediately called my pharmacy friend for advice. He said it’s a critical issue and the girl was in ICU and the consultant doctors were taking tender care of her. Let’s give the hands to doctors.
Next day the little girl was transferred to intensive care at Queen’s Mary Hospital where the liver treatment is renowned. She’s in coma with tubes and fatal. Doctor suggested to have liver transplant immediately. It’s critical and running against time. The siblings are bond and were tested for blood type and physical checks. Found daddy’s was compatible though fatty liver and it’s the only choice and can't wait. Time is life and transplant was immediately followed. Days after the operation the girl was still in coma and with some tubes. Concern was that she’s in coma for quite a long time, the brain may have impacts. Doctor can't do scanning at that moment. I can imagine how distress and worries the family was. I have concerns and worries about them but didn’t want to make many calls or visits which would be annoying. I prayed for them and sent to the family some flowers with words of wishes. A few days later, good news spread, the girl woke up and can recognize all family. Crying, smiling, scratching, pulling tubes…….. all such actions proved her brain is working. A big relief for all of us. Now almost 2 months she’s home running everywhere and on the path of getting well.

Daddy and the gorgeous. Sweetie you're getting well and have the brave to flight for the awful moment. We love you.I’ve been thinking of organ donation after my life. For some reasons I do not want to carry a donation card. After the case of our sweetie, I recognize how meaningful the act of donation. I‘ve filled out on-line the Centralised Organ Donation Register. This is a symbol of love and rekindles the hope of other people. Hope more people will act now. I wish our sweetie thriving and knows how GREAT her family and daddy are !!