

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nice gift from blogging friend

My blogging friend Melinda from US is so sweet to send me a very nice handmade apron with naughty cats pattern together with a nice card of her garden flower. Those cat patterns are inspiring for my ceramic painting or wool felting. Melinda also has a blog about cookery. I'd follow it and prepare my meal with the apron on.

I show you friends this picture of my daughter who put on the apron. She's prettier than me ~.~, hehe....

Friday, June 4, 2010

Power of Blogging

Have not ever thought I could make a deal on line. Doing handicrafts is for own leisure and giveaways. Sharing on blog and flickr is for pleasure.

Somehow Melinda (Living Lotus) of US stumbled upon my blog and impressed by my wool felt flowers. She asked if I'd sell them. I said I did once for charity sales if she would like to order for more than 6 pieces, I'm most happy for half the proceed go to Oxfam Hong Kong. Glad that Melinda immediately ordered 12 pieces of flower brooches & ceramic pins. All these stuff are one of it's kind. Very encouraging to have someone appreciated my works while the little bit can help the less fortunated. Thanks for Melinda's generous support.